SDBC #004 – The Murder of Roger Ackroyd, by Agatha Christie

Sexy Drunken Book Club #004
11/05/2014, 3:00pm

It’s May, the last remnants of autumn are almost gone, and so it must be time for our fourth book club. The book that was chosen by Acacia this month was The Murder of Roger Ackroyd by Agatha Christie, and despite the reception this book got when it was revealed last month (it wasn’t positive, would you believe), this has proven to be potentially the most popular novel yet. There’s lots of discussion around the motives and complex relationships that Christie weaves, and even some alternate theories put forth.

This week’s guests were Jordan Frost, Shayna Frost, Acacia Pepler, Tom Klingler, Melissa Klingler, and Ellen Houston (with an uninformed by James Abbott). The next book was successfully picked by Ellen, who has chosen Oryx and Crake, the first in a trilogy of dystopian books about the end of humanity.

Thanks everyone who has tuned in – see you next time.

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