SDBC #005 – Oryx and Crake, by Margaret Atwood

Sexy Drunken Book Club #005
07/06/2014, 4:45pm

It’s winter, and with the chill comes the fifth book of the club. How time has flown! The book that was chosen for this month was Oryx and Crake by Margaret Atwood. We discuss the ever-present question: is humanity doomed? And if so, did we do it to ourselves? How far is too far when it comes to science? All this and much less was argued over 2 big ChickieNobs Buckets O’Nubbins.

Our guests this week were Ellen Houston, Tom Klingler, Melissa Klingler, Jordan Frost, Shayna Frost, Rohan Martin, Acacia Pepler, and Cherissa Higgins. The successful participant for meeting number six was Tom, who originally couldn’t decide between two choices but opted for A Scanner Darkly by Phillip K. Dick in the end.

Happy reading till then, SDBCers!

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